Specialist Courses Majorca
RYA Specialist Courses – updated 15 February 2023.
For sailors who are looking to take their skills to the next level, the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) offers a range of specialist courses in Majorca. These courses cover a variety of topics, from VHF radio operation to diesel engine maintenance, and are designed to help sailors gain the knowledge and skills they need to navigate safely and confidently on the water. Some of these courses, such as the Marine Radio Short Range Certificate, are a pre-requisite for higher qualifications such as the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
VHF Short range certificate (SRC) course
One of the most popular RYA courses in Majorca is the VHF Short range certificate (SRC) course. This course covers the basics of VHF radio operation and teaches sailors how to use their radio equipment effectively and safely. The course covers a range of topics, including distress and emergency calls, digital selective calling, and basic radio procedures. It is an essential course for anyone who plans to sail offshore or in unfamiliar waters.
This online course provides the VHF Short Range Certification required for all commercial endorsement applications and is a mandatory requirement for all Yachtmaster examinations.
First aid theory course
Another important RYA specialist course in Majorca is the First aid theory course. This course teaches sailors how to respond to medical emergencies on board and provides training in basic first aid and resuscitation techniques. The course covers a range of topics, including CPR, drowning, shock, and bleeding, and is an essential skill for any sailor.
The one-day RYA First Aid course is aimed at anyone who goes afloat to provide a working knowledge of first aid and covers all the usual aspects of first aid but from a boating perspective. The syllabus is based on recommendations of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and fulfils the requirements for professional skippers of small craft working within 60 miles of a safe haven. An in-date First Aid course completion certificate is required for the Yachtmaster examination and is valid for 3 years.
Professional practices and responsibilities (PPR) theory course
The Professional practices and responsibilities (PPR) theory course is another important RYA specialist course in Majorca. This course covers the legal and ethical responsibilities of professional skippers, including navigation, safety, and environmental responsibilities. The course is mandatory for sailors who want to obtain a commercial endorsement and is a valuable course for any sailor who wants to take their skills to the next level.
The Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) certificate is a compulsory online course for new and revalidating RYA Commercial Endorsement holders. This course teaches the rules and regulations that professional seafarers are expected to understand and comply with. It comprises four training modules and a final assessment.
Diesel engine maintenance theory course
For sailors who want to learn more about the mechanics of their boat, the Diesel engine maintenance theory course is an excellent option. This course covers the basics of diesel engines, including maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair. The course is ideal for sailors who want to learn how to keep their boat running smoothly and safely.
The RYA Diesel Engine Maintenance course provides basic engine knowledge to prevent and solve diesel engine issues. This classroom-based course covers hands-on experience with a diesel engine to learn how an engine works, the procedures for performing basic checks and maintenance and how to restart in the event of a breakdown. This one-day Diesel Engine certification is strongly recommended for both sail and motor Yachtmaster candidates.
Radar theory course
The Radar theory course is another popular RYA specialist course in Majorca. This course covers the basics of radar operation and teaches sailors how to use their radar equipment effectively and safely. The course covers a range of topics, including radar principles, radar displays, and radar plotting, and is an essential skill for any sailor who plans to sail in fog or low visibility conditions.
The RYA Radar Theory course provides an understanding of radar as an aid to navigation and collision avoidance. Cruising boats increasingly have radar on board and the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (IRPCS) state, in effect, that if you have radar, you must know how to use it. Radar is probably the most versatile of all electronic navigation aids, but the best results are only obtained when all the functions are used correctly.
RYA Sea survival course
Finally, the RYA Sea survival course is an essential course for any sailor who plans to sail offshore or in unfamiliar waters. This course covers a range of topics, including abandoning ship, using flares and other distress signals, and surviving at sea. The course is designed to help sailors stay safe in emergency situations and is an essential skill for anyone who plans to sail in challenging conditions.
A one-day course for anyone going to sea, providing an understanding of how to use the safety equipment on board your boat. A genuine lifesaver. Cruising is one of the safest leisure sporting activities, and 99.9% of those afloat will never use their life raft. However, if you are part of the unlucky 0.1% your chances of survival will be greatly increased if you understand how to use the equipment and how to help yourself.
In conclusion, the RYA specialist courses in Majorca offer sailors the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills they need to navigate safely and confidently on the water. Whether you are looking to improve your VHF radio operation, learn more about diesel engines, or prepare for emergencies at sea, there is a course to suit your needs. So why not take the plunge and sign up for a course today? Your skills and confidence on the water will be greatly enhanced.